The first door in my Moomin advent calendar reveals the Moomin mamma! The kids have got many calendars and on rare occasions have they got up as fast as this morning to open the first doors, I hope it goes on until the Christmas holidays, it is a challenge to get them out of bed in the mornings at this very dark time of year!
Do they send advent calendars on TV where you live? We are very much looking forward to the first part of The Christmas weather that disappeared (Julvädret som försvann) tonight! It is produced by the Swedish television channel FST5 here in Finland and for me it will be very exciting because some of my creations will be featured in it, Syko's first TV appearance! I really hope the will find the Christmas weather, it's rain, rain, rain right now....
To celebrate the beginning of December big E and I would like to share a craft idea! She is 7 and can manage to make these houses by herself really well, so we recommend you try them out if you have school-aged kids!
You will need fabric scarps, cardboard, glue varnish and few things more to make our house ornaments. Click here to see my notes and more photos of our houses on flickr! Happy crafting!
How-to (do read the directions on the glue varnish bottle as well!
1. Cut out a house shape from cardboard.
2. Choose the fabrics you want to use before you start gluing. Use the house for model and draw the roof and the house body with the pencil on the wrong side of the fabrics. Cut a hanging loop.
3. Use the brush to apply glue to the cardboard house. First place the hanging loop and then roof and house body and the decorations on top.
4. Make the backside when the glue has dried.
These are darling. I just cut some out and my craft group will be doing them soon.
Thanks so very much for sharing.
Posted by: Glenda M | 06 November 2011 at 07:51 PM
Hi Kajsa, Stopping by to wish you a belated happy holiday season! Hope the new year is as good to you as 2009 seemed to be! A TV star! Who would've thought? Congratulations on all your successes. -karen
Posted by: kaholly | 04 January 2010 at 03:09 PM
Only just discovered your blog, what absolutely stunning things, you have such a good eye. And a Moomin advent calendar? I am so jealous!
Posted by: SallyF | 02 January 2010 at 12:19 PM
Posted by: anne from finland | 24 December 2009 at 07:57 AM
Hi Kajsa, wishing you a magical christmas! x
Posted by: karen | 19 December 2009 at 11:30 PM
syko on tv...congratulations!!! you must be soo excited!
Posted by: jacquie | 09 December 2009 at 04:43 PM
WOW! Congratulations on your items on TV!!! That is really NEAT!!! Claire loves gluing bits of fabric too! We are painting pinecones and birdhouses today! Merry Christmas! Hugs, L
Posted by: PatchworkPottery | 08 December 2009 at 08:38 PM
Vi tittade på fst:s julkalender i kväll och jag tyckte mig känna igen dina verk, kul att få vara med i tv:)
Husen jag köpte ifrån dig piggar upp mig i denna mörka årstid... vi har dem hängandes i köket nu!
Ha en mysig adventstid:)
Kram Katariina O.
Posted by: Katariina Olofsson | 06 December 2009 at 10:10 PM
congratulations on your tv appareance.
Me gusta tu blog, your ideas.
Posted by: | 05 December 2009 at 01:46 AM
I see you are doing well...
love the adventkalender
Posted by: Kaylovesvintage | 03 December 2009 at 09:09 PM
unfortunately, there are no moomins-products available here (except for the books of course), I'd love to have a calendar like that, it's adorable!
Posted by: Christine | 02 December 2009 at 07:08 PM
Sulosia koristeita! Hyvä pressipäivä tänään muuten! ;) Meni hitsi tuo joulukalenteri ohi, mutta huomennahan on uusi päivä, silloin siis!
Posted by: Reetta Isotupa-Siltanen | 01 December 2009 at 07:08 PM
I want that little girl's room, and her Marrrimeko PJs!
Congratulations on the TV appearance.
Posted by: Cheryl Arkison | 01 December 2009 at 06:40 PM
Thank you so much for the idea! I love your fabric houses and it will be so fun to create THESE with my 7 year old!
Posted by: Mary | 01 December 2009 at 06:37 PM
I grew up with the Moomin books when they were published for the first time and I still love them. Very wise thoughts are included.
Congratulations on your TV appearance, I try to remember to open the TV in 13 minutes!
Posted by: Ulla | 01 December 2009 at 05:46 PM
Hello! Congratulations on your first TV appearance!
Yes, we do have an advent calender program for kids every day here in Norway too. They don't make a new one every year though, but that's part of the tradition:-)
Posted by: Mrs Moen | 01 December 2009 at 05:38 PM
Era hus är så fina! Mina elever kan säkert göra dessa, för de har gjort decoupage tidigare. Tack för tipset!
Posted by: anne from finland | 01 December 2009 at 04:31 PM
Your houses are wonderful - I shall be having a go with my 8 year old this weekend - she loves to do things like this!
You have brought back very fond memories of the Moomins to me - when I was little (about 37 years ago) they were on TV here in the UK and I had some of the books - you make me want to buy them again now! xx
Posted by: Clare Wassermann | 01 December 2009 at 04:06 PM