In june I will have a quilt exhibition in the small town of Porvoo (Borgå) and have been thinking of a way to involve all of you that will not be able to come and see it. I have come up with an idea! What I would like to do is a flap quilt in larger scale, if you remember these cushions I made ? So how can you help me? I was hoping that you would like to share your favourite optimistic motto or phrase in your own language, like carpe diem or after rain comes sun get the idea! Be creative! I appreciate it if you can come up with a fun twist to your message, it should bring a smile upon the face to the one who lifts the flaps. The only restrictions are that is shouldn't be negative or too long. *edit* Forgot to add: the background of the quilt will be light probably solid white, the flaps made from printed fabrics.
So here is what I would like you to do:
1. Leave a comment with your favourite optimistic phrase in your own language. Please translate it if it's not in English, Swedish or Finnish! Note that it should be shortish, not longer than 8 words!
2. Please sign with your first name (or what you like to be called) and your place of residence. I would like to have all contributors listed next to the quilt at the exhibit!
3. Mention your favourite colours/patterns, I will choose the fabrics for the flaps that cover your message to represent you! (You can even send me some fabric scraps if you have something special that you would like me to use).
I am very exited about this project and would be so happy if you would like to join me! If I get a lot of contributors I might not have room for all of you in one quilt, but I will do my best to find a place for your words! I will leave comments open until I start working on the quilt.
Do remember to check out my post on the Sew, mama, Sew! tomorrow! I have made a raw-edge appliqué project for you and am also sharing some big news!
Jag insåg att jag inte följt dina önskemål när jag skrev ovan.
Mina favoritfärger är grönt och brunt.
Jag kommer från Karlshamn, Sverige
("Äh, det ger sig" kommer från Willie Crafoords sång.
Posted by: Amelie | 05 May 2010 at 09:08 PM
Jag gillar det enkla "Äh, det ger sig!" ;-) Lite mer högstämt blir det med "Med morgonen gryr hoppet."
Posted by: Amelie | 05 May 2010 at 05:44 PM
Mine would be: One Life, Live it.
I am celine and I live in the UK although I am French. Favourite colour: Purple!
Great project, good luck with it
Posted by: Celine | 27 April 2010 at 09:46 PM
"Seja o que for...faça com amor" ( it whith love).
My name is Cintya, I am Brazilian. I live in southern Brazil, state of Santa Catarina, in Porto Belo.
My favorite colours: red, rose, white.
My favourite pattern: floral
Posted by: Cintya | 24 April 2010 at 07:51 PM
Hi Kajsa,
I love your Idea and can't wait to see how you make it come to live... I adore your art!
There's a sentence from a song I love, it's in hebrew, and the translation is "Life is what you make of it". It always helps me remember to try to achieve what I want and be active about it.
Michal, Israel
Posted by: Michal | 22 April 2010 at 06:43 AM
"Be with those who help your being." I think Rumi said that, or something close to it.
Posted by: Veronica | 17 April 2010 at 07:43 AM
Although I don't fully achieve it I aspire to:
"Bloom where you're planted."
I live in LA, CA in the US, and my favorite colors are yellows and greens. I love all kinds of bold prints:)
Posted by: Michelle Kingdom | 17 April 2010 at 01:48 AM
Kajsa, sorry about the duplicate message. I guess something happen it, becaus half of my message didnt appears.
Well, im from Brasil and that is a quote of Chico Xavier that i love too much. I know has more thatn 8 words but the meaning is so powerfull that i willing to try!
Regards and sucess to your project.
Posted by: Patricia | 16 April 2010 at 06:34 PM
"Although noone can go back and make a new start, anyone can start now and make a new end"
My favorite coulours is brown, old pink, and greenblue.
Posted by: Patricia | 16 April 2010 at 06:30 PM
"Although noone can go back and make a new start, anyone can start now and make a new end"
My favorite coulours is brown, old pink, and greenblue.
Posted by: Patricia | 16 April 2010 at 06:30 PM
Thank you Susana! I love it and I want to make a quilt with that saying!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 16 April 2010 at 05:03 PM
Hi! The one I think of (especially for you, what with all your great soaring birds) is "por morrer uma andorinha não acaba a Primavera", which is longish, and not so much happy as fierce (it means: because one swallow has died, yet spring is not over), and plays in a tad too well with the (self-)stereotype of Portuguese as sad people, which is silly, but I do love it, nonetheless.
I like all sorts of fabrics and styles, but I guess today my favorites are blue and orange together.
Posted by: Susana | 16 April 2010 at 04:58 PM
Paistaa se päivä risukasaankin! :)
Rough translation for all you English speakers: The sun shines even on a pile of twigs.
Silja, Espoo
Onnea paljon kirjan johdosta!!
Posted by: Pikku-Kettu | 16 April 2010 at 12:14 PM
(in Finnish only - apologies for you all reading Kajsa in English)
kun en osaa yhtä valita niin listaan top 3:
-Kaunis on joka kauniisti tekee
-Kaikki kyyneleet eivät ole pahasta
-Jos on tahtoa, on keino.
Kaksi ensimmäistä Tolkienin TSH:sta viimeinen taitaa olla jo 'klassikko'
Päivi, Suomi - tykkään pellavasta ja pitsistä
Posted by: -pikku- | 16 April 2010 at 08:53 AM
Ohh, and I live in Reykjavik, Iceland. :)
Posted by: Piia | 16 April 2010 at 01:28 AM
Þetta reddast! This is an Icelandic way of saying that things will turn out good at the end. I am Finnish myself but have Icelandic hubbie and little boy who is starting to say that these days. :D
I love your idea of the quilt, wonderful!
My favourite colours are yellow, green and orange
Posted by: Piia | 16 April 2010 at 01:27 AM
What a great idea. Here is my 5 cents' worth.
Success comes in cans - not can'ts.
Munaiba - Sydney Australia
I like bright cheery modern fabrics
Posted by: Munaiba | 16 April 2010 at 01:03 AM
I've always had a soft spot for the old Irish saying - "Nil aon tintean mar do thintean fein."
This translates literally into
"There's no fireside like your own fireside" or commonly known as - there is no place like home.
I am a great lover of purple and pink combinations. Carol (Dublin, Ireland)
Posted by: Carol | 16 April 2010 at 12:22 AM
oops--I hit the post button instead of preview--
I love the idea of this quilt and am very excited to see your creative mind go to work!!
Posted by: duff | 16 April 2010 at 12:18 AM
My favorite saying:
"Even impossible says I'm possible"
Also like
"Live the life you have imagined"
"There are no endings, only new beginnings"
Duff, Sycamore, IL, USA
Fav colors are lemonade--yellow, pink, red. you know, bright ☼
Posted by: duff | 16 April 2010 at 12:15 AM
I'm Belgian, but my boyfriend is Italian, and we live in Italy together!
Therefore I would like to submit an italian phrase:
"Mai smettere di sognare!"
(Never stop dreaming!)
In dutch (my mothertongue) that would be
"Altijd blijven dromen!"
& good luck with this very fun project!
PS. My favourite fabric would be red with white poka dots!
Posted by: Pilli Pilli | 15 April 2010 at 07:02 PM
Thank you Patty! I love those words! You're grandma's saying will most certainly be in my quilt and I once the exhibition is up I will make sure to take lots of photos for you all!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 15 April 2010 at 11:19 AM
Tack! Den gillar jag! Mycket norskt :)
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 15 April 2010 at 11:15 AM
That's a very good one Kristin! We are usually so busy planning for tomorrow that we forget to see the joys in the present moment!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 15 April 2010 at 11:13 AM
Tack Ulla! Exakt min inställning! Man kommer långt med "bara" ett leende!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 15 April 2010 at 11:11 AM
I love that one Cheryl! Tell your husband hes a genius!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 15 April 2010 at 08:50 AM
Salut Cathy! En expression au Francais est tres bien aussi! Je veux beacoup de langues dans mon quilt! Je veux...?
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 15 April 2010 at 08:47 AM
Hi Kajsa
my favourite words would be "I can do this !"
something I tell myself often
favourite colours are blues & greens
Lorraine from Queensland , Australia
Posted by: Lorraine | 15 April 2010 at 02:07 AM
My english is not as good as yours but positive words could be: " I will..."
Congratulations for your blog, I read it for a few months. It brings me light even in rainy days.
Posted by: Cathy | 15 April 2010 at 01:50 AM
Oh, silly me, I forgot...Dots - I love dotty fabric. And pale blue, red and limegreen. Maybe a smiling mouth (and perhaps little white teeth) would look fun with the saying.
But that's all up to you to decide.
(And the corrct translation is actually: smile to the world and it smiles to you.)
Posted by: Ulla V. | 15 April 2010 at 12:34 AM
What a wonderful quilt you will make for the exhibition....full of wise words. I think that this gorgeous idea says so much about your unique talent - the talent which you show in your work, pictures and words.
My favourite optimistic saying is one which my mother used to say, when I was a child. "Smil til verden og den smiler til dig." (Smile to the world and the world smiles to you) It's so important to treat people with respect, kindness and positivity - then you will be treated in the same way by those you smile to.
Nothing can be more optimistic than a smile... :))
Posted by: Ulla V. | 15 April 2010 at 12:24 AM
Lucy beat me to it, but I like 'Live Laugh Love'
Tracy, London.
I'm still loving red and aqua...
Posted by: Dragonfly | 15 April 2010 at 12:04 AM
i've always liked "BE HERE NOW" we are not often as present in the moment as we should be because we are always thinking ahead...i like this reminder to enjoy the moment.
love your interactive projects Kasja...great idea to involve your readers in this way. xx
Kristin, MN, USA
(oh, and favorite colors? all shades of greens and blues...but it's all good)
Posted by: kristin | 14 April 2010 at 11:36 PM
love this one julie!
Posted by: kristin | 14 April 2010 at 11:31 PM
This is one of my Hubby's favourite sayings and it always makes me smile.
"There is no off position on the genious switch."
So we always keep thinking, creating, and challenging ourselves.
All time favourite colours are orange and red, but I love all colour.
Posted by: Cheryl Arkison | 14 April 2010 at 11:20 PM
Mine would be "Det er von i hengande snøre". It's difficult to translate but something like "there is hope in a hanging(fishing) line".
I live in Stavanger, Norway and my favourite colours are orange and purple.
Posted by: Mrs Moen | 14 April 2010 at 11:04 PM
"Courage, my love." It's the name of a lovely shop that sells buttons and vintage clothing. The name of the shop is framed by two swallows. My husband and I now say that phrase to each other regularly and it makes us very happy.
Julie Anne
Montreal, Canada
Posted by: Julie | 14 April 2010 at 10:47 PM
I love your idea!!! My english teacher in the US gave me a card with the phrase: "Don't forget to smell the flowers along your way" as my year there was ending... I've always liked that and that also reminds me of her. It may be too long for your quilt but I still wanted to share that.
I love red&white... but you knew that already :)!
Mervi, Jyväskylä, Finland
Posted by: mervi | 14 April 2010 at 10:05 PM
Living in rainy Vancouver, Canada, I've had to learn to stay positive through months of wet, grey weather. Two sayings work for me during the winter:
"It's only water" and "every cloud has a silver lining"
I love red best.
Good luck with your project and thanks for including all of us! You've always got such fun, original ideas.
Posted by: Krista | 14 April 2010 at 09:54 PM
"Eteenpäin, sano akka lumessa". "On we go said granny in snow". Leena, Helsinki, Haaga, I love yellow.
Posted by: Leena Liimatainen | 14 April 2010 at 09:41 PM
Thank you all so very much for your positive words! I've got a big smile upon my face :) This will be so good!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 14 April 2010 at 09:36 PM
My favorite phrase: Keep on the sunny side!
I love red, aqua, yellow :-)
... Courtney - Austin, Texas (USA)
Posted by: Courtney | 14 April 2010 at 09:16 PM
:) Nice topic and I also enjoy the phrases of the other people. The one that helps me most is too long I'm afraid: 'no matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow'. A shorter one I like is 'Life is a party and you're invited!' (in Dutch 'Het leven is een feest en jij bent uitgenodigd'). I assume there will be too much and even better phrases, but I'm from Netherlands and my favorite colors are aqua-green. Good luck with the project!
Posted by: Sandra | 14 April 2010 at 08:34 PM
How fun!!! Big News?!?! How exciting!!!
Here is my favourite phrase and of course it has to do with tea!
"While there's tea, there's hope."
Laurraine, Canada. I love all warm-toned colours but you know my faves already ;o)
Posted by: PatchworkPottery | 14 April 2010 at 08:26 PM
"Over skyene er himmelen alltid blå" in Norwegian.
"Above the clouds the sky is allways blue" in English.
(Nice to remember when it has been raining for weeks here in the western part of Norway.)
I like many colours but mostly red, teal, orange, brown and green these days.
Posted by: Solveig | 14 April 2010 at 08:21 PM
Carpe cupcakem. *S* Especially if it's the last one.
I love fruit colors - lime, raspberry, orange.
Annie in Chicago
Posted by: Sequana | 14 April 2010 at 06:56 PM
Pilvien takana paistaa aina aurinko! Siinä minun lempilauseeni huonona päivänä. Tällä hetkellä lempiväreinä vaaleanvihreä, sinisen eri sävyt ja keltainen. terveisin Anne
Posted by: anne from finland | 14 April 2010 at 06:51 PM
I love the saying you put on your pictured quilt, but at our house the saying is a little longer: "Come what may and love it".
I also like the saying, "Never, never, never, never give up."
I love the colors in the quilt on this post...clear pinks and greens and blues and reds. What a wonderful idea!
Heather, Milwaukie, Oregon, USA
Posted by: Heather | 14 April 2010 at 06:22 PM
"Stretch and grow," Grandma Millie Brittain
My grandma always said this phrase to each new grandchild born as she snuggled with him/her. We still use that phrase to encourage one another. She lived to be 108 years young.
I am Patty Simmons, Jefferson City, Missouri, US. I enjoy teals and greens and yellows right now.
Thanks for asking. I'd love to know if you're able to share grandma's saying.
Posted by: Patty Simmons | 14 April 2010 at 05:09 PM
"Rise and shine!"
that was my mother's way of waking us for years and now, even though I have to tell it to myself, it always helps me get out of bed happy.
Rossie, USA
--I like gray, mustard, turquoise, true red
Posted by: Rossie | 14 April 2010 at 05:08 PM