Finally a peaceful, rainy Saturday morning! My kids are even playing together in their own room! Life's been busy the last weeks so I haven't had the time to sit down and talk to you, I hate blogging in a rush!
Now I promised to show you the result of our cooperation for my little quilt exhibition that is now up and hanging! Sadly I didn't have time to use all the mottos you submitted, but the "textured"-project will not stop here! I have a lot of wholesale orders at the moment, which is great for my little business, but that means I don't have much time to make small art quilts, but I look forward to incorporate your sayings in coming quilt works! If you click on the picture above you will see what says underneath the flaps of the "hidden messages quilt"!
Here are some picture of my work in the gallery, the colours could be better!
Laurraine's (Canada)
favourite saying inspired me to make this little quilt! I used a
worn-out embroidered tablecloth for the teapot!
Susana gave me this sad and beautiful Portuguese saying "because
one swallow has died yet Spring is not over".
This is my quilt from the book Quilts,
baby! that I decided I was ready to part from, if anyone wants to
buy it, that is :) I was happy to find a pretty mirror hanging in the
gallery, which shows off the quilt backing quite nicely. The quilts that are not sold
will move from the gallery to my Etsy shop in early July!
Your favourite words became favourite-word-fairies with lovely words
stitched on their tummies. They all turned their back on me when I took
the photo! And there's my little helper looking very bored...
And here's big E too, you can see from here face that school's out for
Summer can't you? We had a wonderful weekend at my relatives Summer
house last weekend!
Have a wonderful weekend! I will stay inside to do some hand stitching and watch football with the other eye (the fifa world cup), what will you do?
fantastiskt, vad fint! grattis till utställningen!
Posted by: sofie bn | 17 June 2010 at 08:16 PM
Dear Kajsa,
everything looks so lovely - wish you all the best forthe excibition!
Your work always make my day, just adorable!
Posted by: maaria | 16 June 2010 at 10:09 PM
Thank you so much for the help Susana!!
No vuvuzelas here :) But I know what they are for sure! Good luck to C Ronaldo & c:o!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 16 June 2010 at 09:35 AM
Thanks so much Tracey!
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 16 June 2010 at 08:37 AM
how wonderful! it brightens my day
every time i look at your work.
Posted by: Tracy | 16 June 2010 at 01:13 AM
Hey, I helped make that lovely quilt! (In a very tiny way, but it's a great feeling, that!)I'm over the moon. It's perfect, too.
I would so buy it if I could. But I'm sure they will all find loving homes.
Congratulations on the exhibit, and have a great world cup (although I hope the vuvuzelas aren't as popular where you are).
Posted by: Susana | 15 June 2010 at 05:15 PM
Thank you! Im anxious to see if anyone buys quilts in Finland. This is the first time I have an exhibit like this, I usually sell only smaller stuff and cards in shops.
Posted by: Kajsa Wikman | 13 June 2010 at 09:11 PM
These are all beautiful. I'm sure they will all sell right away.
Posted by: Shasta | 13 June 2010 at 08:43 PM
Everything looks fabulous! The idea of the hidden messages in the quilt is great.
Posted by: Di | 13 June 2010 at 10:50 AM
That looks awesome, very cool. Go you.
Posted by: Jennifer S. | 13 June 2010 at 07:46 AM
Joli blog!
Posted by: arabelle | 12 June 2010 at 09:50 PM
Congratulations for being so success and so busy with your quilting art. I so admire your work. Your art is so colorful and cheerful.
Posted by: Karen | 12 June 2010 at 08:21 PM
Magic & wonderful Kajsa!!!! Congratulations on your exhibit - I hope it is a huge success. What a wonderful idea to hand a quilt near a mirror - I love that.
Posted by: Krista | 12 June 2010 at 06:16 PM
Beautiful work Kajsa - I love the hidden words quilt!
Hope you enjoy the football :o)
Posted by: Lesley | 12 June 2010 at 06:15 PM
Wow, things are really picking up for you. Congratulations!
Posted by: Cheryl Arkison | 12 June 2010 at 05:03 PM
As always, lovely colours and design!
Am loving 'where there's tea, there's hope'. I think I might have to embroider that somewhere...
Posted by: Islay | 12 June 2010 at 03:06 PM
The hidden messages quilt is just magical!
Posted by: tracey petersen | 12 June 2010 at 01:26 PM